WikiStrinda er Strinda historielags leksikon over historiske personer, begivenheter og bilder i tidligere Strinda kommune og Trondheim kommune, samt områder påvirket av trøndere. WikiStrinda inneholder også artikler av nasjonal interesse, spesielt knyttet til emigrasjon fra Trøndelag.
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Halfdan Lee
Halfdan Lie (am Lee) (6.1.1888 i Stavanger - mars 1975 i Greenfield, Hillsborough, New Hampshire) var sønn av kjøpmann Johann Lie (1840 i Stavanger-) og Mathea Gustava Nyman (1854 i Stavanger-).
Gift 20.4.1915 i Ohio med Nina Vivian Smith (1890-), datter av Philip Henry Smith (25. 3.1860 i Liverpool, Lancashire, England- 10.3.1937 i Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles, California) og Alice Ward Humphrey (2.5.1867 i Wakeman, Huron, Ohio- 1942 i Brookline, Norfolk, Massachusetts).
Barn: John Phillip Lee (1916 i Pennsylvania-), Alice Mathea Lee Pratt (12.3.1919 i Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania- 1.1.1976 i Jamaica), Richard Ward Lee (9.6.1924 i Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania- 6.4.2001 i Boston, Massachusetts).
Halfdan Lie emigrerte 5.8.1905 til USA. Han ble president i the Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates i Boston.
Kenneth Bjork;
A graduate of schools at Porsgrund and Ilmanau, Halfdan Lee came to the United States in 1908. Until 1916 he was chiefly engaged in plant expansion in the steel industry. From 1916 until the late 1920`s he was with the Koppers Company. He became president of the Eastern Gas and Fuel Associates of Boston. The firm operated coal mines, coke plants, blast furnaces for the production of pig iron, and the steamship company operating a large fleet composed mostly of colliers.
- Kenneth Bjork. Saga in Steel and Concrete. Norwegian Engineers in America, page 394
-; Serianz Family tree
- Norwegian-American Technical Journal, vol.2, no.1 p 12 (March 1929), Nordmandsforbundet, 24:384 (1931)
- Folketelling 1900 for Stavanger